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Royal Mail

Winston Churchill Brilliant Uncirculated Coin Cover

Catalogue code

The Royal Mint’s official Winston Churchill £2 coin struck to an immaculate Brilliant Uncirculated condition beneath all eight commemorative stamps.

Limited to 10,000 individually numbered editions.

Exclusive to Royal Mail.

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The Royal Mint’s official Winston Churchill £2 Brilliant Uncirculated coin beautifully presented on an individually numbered limited edition souvenir featuring the commemorative issue’s stamps.

The coin depicts a young Winston Churchill in military uniform.

The coin’s image also appears on one of the Second Class stamps which includes a quote from his 1932 book of essays, Thoughts and Adventures.

This handsomely illustrated, fact-packed keepsake celebrates the enduring legacy of one of the most famous Britons in history.

A highly collectible piece of memorabilia marking the 150th anniversary of Churchill’s birth.

Available exclusively through Royal Mail.

Limited to 10,000 individually numbered editions.

Two Second Class, two First Class, two £1.00 and two £2.00 landscape stamps.

Coin specifications


Brilliant Uncirculated

Outer Alloy


Inner Alloy






Edge inscription

“Pave the way for peace and freedom”