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The Rolling Stones Prestige Stamp Book

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Discover a bumper 24-page publication detailing the history of The Rolling Stones.

Written by prominent music critic Alexis Petridis, the comprehensive guide charts the glittering career of one of the world’s most famous bands.

Contains all 12 stamps exclusive to the stamp issue.

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Uncover new insights and images behind the touring lives of ‘The Greatest Rock and Roll Band in the World’.

Charting the 60-year story across a 24-page publication, acclaimed rock and pop journalist Alexis Petridis chronicles The Rolling Stones’ journey to rock and roll greatness, and their reputation as one of the world’s best touring bands.

Includes all 12 of The Rolling Stones Special Stamps perforated as panes within the book plus an additional pane of definitive stamps exclusive to the issue.