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Royal Mail

Tutankhamun Stamp Set

Catalogue code

Eight stamps featuring a selection of the most significant and well-preserved items from Tutankhamun’s tomb.

The stamps feature iconic artefacts from the Grand Egyptian Museum, including Tutankhamun’s gold mask.

Two Second Class, two First Class, two £1.85 and two £2.55 landscape stamps.

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Dive into ancient Egyptian history with this exquisite set of stamps, celebrating 100 years since the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb.

Eight new stamps display some of the most iconic and best-preserved artefacts found in Tutankhamun’s tomb, including his gold mask.

With stunning photographs taken by Araldo de Luca, the stamps are presented as four horizontal se-tenant pairs.

Two Second Class, two First Class, two £1.85 and two £2.55 landscape stamps.

 Second Class Head of the King

Second Class Inlaid Fan

First Class Gold Mask

First Class Falcon Pendant

£1.85 Lion Couch

£1.85 Throne

£2.55 Boat Model

£2.55 Guardian Statue

Stamp specifications

Stamp format


Stamp size

37mm x 35mm


Andy Altmann


Cartor Security Printers

Print process



14 x 14.5


As appropriate
