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Royal Mail

Transformers Prestige Stamp Book

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A superb publication comprising all 13 stamps from the issue, as well as an exclusively produced pane of stamps.

Noted comic book writer James Roberts covers the Transformers story in detail.

The book is also packed with artwork and hidden messages printed in the stamps that are visible under UV light.

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A bumper 24-page publication written by celebrated British comic book writer and regular Transformers contributor James Roberts.

Inside your book, you’ll discover the Transformers backstory along with further details on each lead character.

The book is packed with artwork and hidden UV.

Includes an additional pane of definitive stamps, unique to the stamp issue.

And there’s MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE with this special set of stamps…

Each stamp is printed with a hidden ink which reveals each of the character’s faction logos and names in the Cybertronian alphabet when UV light is shone on it.

Each stamp will also trigger a unique augmented reality animation* including a clip from the original Transformers TV series – simply download the Royal Mail App and choose Scan a Stamp to watch it.

*Please note: The Augmented Reality feature is only accessible via the Royal Mail App which is available to download in the United Kingdom.